A Belated Prince Tribute

• ~200 words • 0.7 minute read

This is very belated, but I thought it would be a nice Tribute to Prince to link a cool, relevant project started by someone here in Portland: Akounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai. Translated to English that means "Rain the Color Blue with a little Red in it" only because there was no direct translation for Purple Rain — the film they attempted to recreate using West African musicians.

You can read more about it on the archived Kickstarter page.

I also recommend looking at the musical project(s) that preceded this one at Sahel Sounds. If you like field recordings, found sounds and the musical traditions of West Africa mixed with modern and Western sensibilities, you'll love it.

Last but not least, Prince was featured prominently in an older blog post of mine. As part of my belated tribute, here it is:

Building better websites 4 U with Prince