Github Projects for July 2011
• ~200 words • 0.9 minute read

The third installment in my monthly series on GitHub projects I've forked, cloned or followed over the past month. This one is coming pretty late, meaning my August update will be just around the corner.
jQuery.Loupe — A dead-simple image magnifier plugin for jQuery. It's lightweight, easy to style and implement.
html2canvas — A tool for taking "screenshots" with JavaScript. Interesting idea, though it's a little glitchy in my testing.
Sparrow-Framework - an open-source game engine for iOS. One of those things I download when I daydream about shifting gears in my worklift and focusing on game design...
jquerytools — Dubbed the "missing UI library for the Web." More specifically, a nice library that consolidates a number of other libraries I'd been using for the same collection of UI elements.
jquery.appear — Creates a custom "appear" event, which fires when an element scrolls into view.
Skeleton — A nice, grid-based layout for responsive web design.
bottle — Micro-framework for making Python web applications. — Interactive charts and graphs using pure JavaScript.
d3 — A small, free JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
data-tools — A command-line tool for processing and plotting data.