What I'm Working on Now
In the spirit of Derek Siver's Now page, here is what I'm up to at the moment:
It's been close to two years since I last updated this (!!)
- I'm now an engineering manager at Axios HQ, which spun off from Axios a couple months ago. Tons of stories about how that transpired, how we rebuilt the team. All-in-all a very good experience. If you're reading this and looking for work... we're probably hiring? Reach out and introduce yourself!
- Big news: I'm moving to New York in a month—specifically Brooklyn. Really excited about this. I've needed a big life change for a while. I've missed traveling, and this is something that might similarly scratch that itch.
- I ran a marathon in Svalbard 6 months ago for my 40th birthday. That's worth a mention!
- Despite work going well, I've actually given some thought to how I might return to freelancing and reinvent myself. Not anytime soon, but rather I've started to think about what it could look like, some years in the future. I've even started to imagine scenarios where I could start to moonlight again.
All-in-all, it's hectic and never slows down, but life is good.
Updated on December 4th, 2022