My interview at

• ~200 words • 1 minute read

In my review of what it was like speaking at Holy JS yesterday I forgot to post a link to an interview I did as part of that conference. Part of the reason I might've forgotten is that most of my audience speaks English and the interview is in Russian:

Стартапы и ненормальное программирование. TBD

Per Google Translate, that translates to English something like:

Startups and abnormal programming. TBD

Also courtesy of some automated translation, the lead-in paragraph reads:

In anticipation HolyJS we discussed the problem of start-ups, development of geographical differences and the impact of open source on the industry with George Mandisa (George Mandis). At the time, he had already proved in practice that the developer is not really important political boundaries and geographic coordinates for a number of years working around the world. Today I decided to share with us their observations.

There are numerous translation curiosities that made me smile, but I think the content of the interview overall is pretty good. I try my best to relay my opinions on startup culture and developer work after 11 years in the industry and having worked and traveled through various countries the past several years.

If you want to read the original English response to the questions as I wrote them — which, I will warn you, are a little less amusing when untranslated — you can read those here.