Every breath you take in Thailand

• ~100 words • 0.6 minute read

Short post today. Here's a sign I saw in Bangkok last October:


I kind of can't believe that was real, or that I'd completely forgotten about it. I guess it's not that memorable in the grand scheme of things, but it seems worth a passing anecdote. In light of what's going on in Bangkok right now maybe it's kind of creepy. Or perhaps funny. Or perhaps simply odd. Also: why is it only in English? If you visit the website it's all in Thai.So many questions.

I'll end this post with some more favorable images from my time Bangkok, like this shot of tents setup for the vegetarian festival  during a monsoon:



This shot of a man selling dried cuttlefish at night:

2013-10-09-22.49.26And this close-up shot of a shrine:
