Weird Web Schemas

• ~200 words • 0.8 minute read

Web Schemas provides a collection of ways you can markup your site's HTML so that major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! can index things more thoroughly. On the most basic level, it's a way you can explicitly tell a search engine this is my phone number, this is my address and this is a review someone wrote about my business where they gave me this many stars.

The website is well-documented and provides a list of the different kinds of entities and things you can represent on your website.

And though I appreciate web standards and the idea behind this kind of markup, I can't help but wonder who made some of these choices, as this list gets oddly specific:

Yet nothing for something like a web developer or designer. And if IMDB isn't even bothering to use these schemes for their pages about movies, TV shows and actors... Who is?